Java programming language

Java, modern object-oriented computer programming language.
Java was created at Sun Microsystems, Inc., where cofounder William (Bill) Joy led a team of researchers in an effort to create a new language that would allow consumer electronic devices to communicate with each other. Work on the language began in 1991, and before long the team’s focus changed to a new niche, the World Wide Web. Java was first used on the Web in 1994, and Java’s ability to provide interactivity and multimedia showed that it was particularly well suited for the Web.
The difference between the way Java and other programming languages worked was revolutionary. Code in other languages is first translated by a compiler into instructions for a specific type of computer. The Java compiler instead turns code into something called Bytecode, which is then interpreted by software called the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), or the Java virtual machine. The JRE acts as a virtual computer that interprets Bytecode and translates it for the host computer. Because of this, Java code can be written the same way for many platforms (“write once, run anywhere”), which helped lead to its popularity for use on the Internet, where many different types of computers may retrieve the same Web page. By the late 1990s, Java had brought multimedia to the Internet and started to grow beyond the Web, powering consumer devices (such as cellular telephones), retail and financial computers, and even the onboard computer of NASA’s Mars exploration rovers. Because of this popularity, Sun created different varieties of Java for different purposes, including Java SE for home computers, Java ME for embedded devices, and Java EE for Internet servers and supercomputers. 
 JAVA FOUNDER:james gosling :
James Arthur Gosling, OC (born May 19, 1955) is a Canadian computer scientist, best known as the father of the Java..James was born on May 19, 1955 in Canada.
James is a Bachelor of Science from University of Calgary 1977 Batch specializing in Computer Science.
He further gained his Ph.D in 1983 under the guidance of Bob Sproull from Carnegie Mellon University by submitting thesis entitled “Algebraic Constraints”.
Even while studying James was active involved in development of Emacs and played with multi-processor of Unix.
gosling served Sun Microsystems for a long period from 1984 to 2010, he is known as Father of Java Programming Language. He designed the actual implementation for Java and the language’s original compiler and virtual machine along with his colleagues at Sun Microsystems.
Java was originally named as Oak dedicated to the name of tree outside Gosling’s Office and later was renamed as Green and lastly as Java.
On March 28, 2011, James Gosling announced from his blog that he would be working for Google and later after 5 months announced that he has joined a startup named “Liquid Robotics.”
In between he has also served roles of Chief Technology Officer at Sun’s Developer Products Group and  CTO of Sun’s Client Software Group. He  also worked for some period for Oracle after the acquisition of Sun
Honor of James Gosling
James was honored withOfficer of the Order of Canada” Title in 2007  which is the second highest title that can be given to any civilian in Canada. James was also honored by being elected  as Foreign Associate member of the United States National Academy of Engineering


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